Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 5: Sunday rest day

I keep having these days that I call lazy days or blah days or something negative, but I'm starting to think maybe it is just my body telling me that it needs to rest and recover. So I think from now on I'm going to try to put a positive spin on those days. I think all my negativity may be bringing me down.

So Sunday, the day after we did the Moore War 5k, I slept in for the first time in I think 2-3 weeks. I had made plans with Cuppy to meet up and go walk but I was not feeling well at all. I have been dealing with a toothache for the past week or so and when I woke up Sunday it was hurting pretty badly and my gums felt a little swollen. So I canceled the bike ride and just spent the day laying around the house. I kept falling asleep. I think I slept most of the day away. At one point I was sitting at the computer and my daughter came in to talk to me and was looking at me funny. I asked her what was wrong and she asked what I had in my mouth. I said my tongue. She said it looked like I had something in my mouth tucked up in my cheek. So I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure enough the right side of my face was a bit swollen.

I took a few pictures. You can kinda see it. So I decided that I'd call the dentist the next morning. I took some pills and laid on the couch and fell asleep again. Savvy decided to make us some lunch and cooked me some scrambled eggs, tasty, not unhealthy, and easy to eat.
Sometime in the evening while trying to watch movies on the computer, but mostly sleeping in the chair,  I got a text from Cuppy asking what I was doing. I told her I was trying to stay awake. She said she could help me with that and to answer my front door. LOL Her and Dixie were here for a visit. So we hung out for a bit and Dixie drew me a picture.
After they left I stayed up for a couple more hours and finally went to bed for the night knowing that we had plans to meet at the Canal in Bricktown for a walk with all the kiddos.

I think Sunday my body was saying "HEY YOU NEED TO REST SOMETIMES!" So I did. And I think I need to listen to my body more than I do and stop ignoring all the pains I get.

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