Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 4: 6 mile Monday plus new shoes!

This morning started off with me sleeping in till 6 instead of getting up at 530 to cook breakfast for my daughter before she left for school. She had already eaten a bowl of cereal. So instead I cooked myself some eggs with some bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes that I had sauteed a couple of days ago and put it all on wheat bread and with some swiss cheese to top it off. YUM! After eating Penny showed up and I chatted with her mommy, Jessica for a bit. When Jessica left for work Penny, Lexi, and I headed out to meet Cuppy at Earlywine park for a morning walk. We got out the door a few minutes later than planned and then on the way there without thinking I turned off of 12th street onto broadway heading north. I think I was going to go to Cuppy's house. LOL Thank goodness I realized what I was doing BEFORE I got on the highway. So I got turned around heading the right direction and finally got to the park and only about 5 minutes or so later than planned. As I was trying to get the stroller out of the back of the van Lexi jumped out and was ready to get started before I had Penny out and in the stroller. So Cuppy, Lexi, and Sparkle went for a little walk while I got Penny and her stuff out of the van and ready to go.

Penny and the dogs seemed to really enjoy themselves. Penny cooed and talked and growled the whole time. Making everyone that passed us smile or giggle. It was great seeing so many smiling faces this morning.
It was a pretty morning. With pretty clouds and the sun shining through them. It's just one of those mornings you are glad you got up and out to enjoy it with a great friend and terrific dogs and a beautiful silly baby.

Cuppy walked the dogs while I pushed the stroller. Lexi kept getting run over because she would turn her behind so that it would get in front of the stroller and then she'd stop or slow down. I think Sparkle even got hit by the stroller a time or two. At one point we had to make a pit stop for Cuppy. So I stayed outside with the dogs and Penny while she went into the Y. I thought Sparkle was gonna yank my arms off trying to follow her. She cried for her mommy the whole time she was gone.  But once she came out and we were moving again she was fine. Silly dog.

Penny started off the walk with two shoes on and at some point she took one off and chewed on it a while and played with it. She had it in her hand and then a few minutes later I realized she didn't have it anymore. So we had to backtrack to find it. Luckily it wasn't to far behind us. Penny spent the rest of the walk with only one shoe on and just chilling. LOL We finished our walk with 4.02 miles in an hour and 24 minutes. Our furbabies were hot and tired so we got them some bowls of water. Penny seemed fascinated but Lexi.

Penny, Lexi and I got back home and they were both tired and Penny a little cranky. So I made her a bottle and laid her in the pack-n-play and made sure Lexi had water. Then I got myself a cup of water and came back to check on Penny and found her and Lexi passed out.

We just chilled the rest of the morning. Then Penny's mommy came by on her lunch break for a visit and Savvy and Carrie came home for lunch from school. After they left we played and hung out. While Penny was playing by herself I did about 15 minutes with my 10lb kettlebell. After that I just watched tv and played with Penny till Savvy got home. Oh and I made some more pico. Spicier this time. Once Savvy got home and I finally got to shower. We got Penny loaded up and headed to Ok Runner in Norman to get me some new shoes. There were people there already being helped so we ended up waiting almost 20-30  minutes before someone could help us. But the young man was nice and seemed to know what he was talking about. After trying on 4-5 different shoes I ended up getting the same one I had before just in a different color. Instead of baby blue I went with purple.

They look blue in the pix but they really are purple. I promise.
After Penny left with her mommy I cooked Savvy and I each a steak and we made a salad to go with it. And added some of the pico I made early to it. Was a very yummy and healthy dinner.
I somehow managed to talk Savvy into going for a walk with me and Lexi through our neighborhood. I think I told her we were just going to do a mile. LOL We walked out the front door to a beautiful sky.
We talked....well I think I did most of the talking.....and we giggled and just enjoyed each others company.

We found a few sprinklers along the way and Savvy seemed to enjoy them more than Lexi did. I think the second one we found scared Lexi. She kept trying to walk away from it while Savvy kept trying to walk closer to it to get wet. LOL

We saw some little kids doing their football practice. As we walked past them their coach yelled "WHO LIKES FOOTBALL?" and all the little boys yelled "I DO!!!!". It was very cute and made me miss Andrew being little.
I think we had a fun walk. We did 2.02 miles in 40 minutes. So not to shabby with the goofing off we did. I really do love the walks with my daughter.

So Lexi and I ended our day with 6.04 miles and I think it wore her out.
I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me!

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