Friday, August 5, 2011

Bicycle ride with my daughter

Today is Friday and  I actually was able to talk my 16 year old daughter into going bicycle riding with me. She's new to riding a bike so is still a bit wobbly on it and she gets nervous so doesn't ride to fast, but still she went to the Oklahoma River trails with me and road 2.28 miles in 30 mins with me. I'm proud of her for doing it. She is not a morning person and I got her up at 0530 this morning. And boy was she moving slow. LOL But she didnt growl or yell at me as much as the last time we rode but then that was on surface streets and she was a little scared and nervous about all the cars passing I think.
She was a bit irritated with me here and was saying her legs felt like jello. I think we were just over a mile away from the van.
I got ahead of her and stopped to wait for her to catch up. I'm proud that she kept going even though she was tired and had legs of jello.
Here is Savvy about to pass me. I hope she keeps riding with me at least once a week. I enjoy her company. So after we get to the van she decides she is done and is going to sit in the van and wait on me to finish riding.
I rode another 12.02 miles in an hour and 9 minutes. Not to bad but I've done better, of course I was like 15 when I did better lol. But I will get faster and be able to go farther. Right now my bottom is sore from the seat.  I enjoyed riding alone but I did find that it seemed harder doing it alone. I don't know maybe I was pushing myself harder than I do when  I'm with Cuppy. She does make sure I don't over do things like I tend to do. I got passed by a lot of other riders but from the looks of them they ride often and have for a while.
I got to enjoy the scenery along the river and the sunrise over downtown. It was nice and peaceful except for the smell from the stockyards. I managed to get past the sprinklers the first time with out getting wet at all but on the way back one of the sprinklers got me and it was shockingly cold. I even saw a train and got a pic of it for Cuppy since she didn't get one of the train we saw yesterday.
Now I have to decide if I'm going to do anything tomorrow and what it will be. I might skip riding tomorrow since my bottom is screaming at me to stay off the bike. But then again I might ride anyways and tell my bottom to hush it. All in all this morning was a GREAT morning. I got to spend time with my daughter and I got her to do some exercise as well as getting some myself. Only thing missing from the day are hugs from my son and husband, who are both out of town for another month. But I'll be happy with what I have for now.


  1. I say give your bottom a break!! Well either figure out a swim thing or a walking thing but don't ride so we can ride Mayb Sunday! Love you and congrats to you both and congrats for a great ride!

  2. Well I'm glad someone is listening to my bottoms complaints. I was thinking about riding again lol
