Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday's walks

Saturday morning my daughter and I decided we were going to take our dog Lexi for a walk. She was so very eager to go. As soon as we got her harness and leash on her she was at the front door waiting on us.
We started out later than I wanted to so it was warmer than I wanted it to be but was still a nice morning for a stroll around the neighborhood. And I was super excited that my daughter once again  had agreed to get up early and go with me.

Although she wasn't real happy with me snapping pictures of her as we walked. HEHE But I really did enjoy the walk. Since we just walked through the neighborhood there wasn't a lot of interesting things to see and since we started out late we missed the sunrise but I got a couple of pictures that some might find interesting, like our shadows and um some dried mud...well it was mud a couple days before I took the picture.

 We were barked at by some very ferocious dogs along our walk. I think we had every dog in the neighborhood barking and growling at us. It happens every time we walk Lexi. So I try not to do it to early in the morning, don't wanna wake everyone up, plus our neighborhood isn't very well lite so I don't like walking through it when it's dark.

Savannah was able to keep up with me on the walking since she's been doing it for so many years, hehe, unlike the bicycle riding.
But maybe that was because Lexi was pulling her along. hehe Well I had a blast walking with my Savannah and our Lexi. We did 2.13 miles in 39 minutes. Towards the end of the two miles if we stopped so I could snap a picture Lexi would lay down. LOL She usually walks 3-4 miles. I'm thinking it was just to hot for her since we started almost 2 hours later than we normally do. That or she was just bored not enough smells other than cars. So we walked back to the house and Savannah and Lexi were done.

 So after I left them off at the house I kept walking and ended up doing 2.04 miles in 32 min. And geez it was hot out. I was soaked from sweating. Felt like I had been in a pool or sauna.

Then after I got home from that walk I rested up for a few minutes and drank a bottle of water got myself cooled off and then decided to mow the front lawn since it had been over 2 months since we had mowed. Most of the grass was dead but there were spots that had grown...I think mostly weeds, but it needed done. I was filthy by the time I was done and it only took like 15-20 min to mow it, but with being sweaty and then most of the grass being dead I had a lot of dirt blown at me.
Yup I got dirty alright.
But that wasn't the end of my day. After I got cleaned up and had lunch Savannah and I headed over to Cuppy's house to do some swimming. But it took for ever to get there because I took I-40 and they had just opened up a strip mall between Council and Rockwell and it is tax free weekend so traffic was bad until just before Rockwell then it was like I had parked in a parking lot. It took us over 30 min to go a mile to get to the exit we needed. I don't do well in traffic so my anxiety was way bad and Savannah was laughing at me raging at the other drivers. LOL I'm sure I was pretty hilarious in my anxiety and road rage.  So we finally got to Cuppy's to swim but before we did Cuppy was hungry so fixed herself a soy protein shake but in the process was taking the lid of the blender and somehow managed to hit herself in the nose with it really hard. I feel bad for laughing but it was quite comical. So we go out to the pool and I start swimming laps, Cuppy was already 22 laps ahead of me. I think I was around lap 11 or so when she joined me. So she was at the end of the pool under the basketball goal when our friend and her boyfriend, Kevin, decided to jump in and slam dunk the basketball. Well with Cuppy underneath the goal of course the ball slam dunked her head. I'm surprised she didn't get a concussion. So I swam half a mile or 44 laps in Cuppy's pool. And then I went home and clean up and took a nap and Savvy and I met Cuppy and Kevin and our friends Nils and Amy and Kevin's friend and his wife at El Chicos for dinner. All in all it was a great day.

Now today, Sunday, was a lazy day for me. I figured since I had worked out every day for the last 6 that I deserved a day of rest. So I spent the day reading. I don't have many days like that.

I can't wait for our walk with the dogs in the morning!

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