Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 3 OMG Not a lazy Thursday.

Well today started off good. It was my daughter's first day of her Junior year of high school. (I can't believe she is so grown up.) So I got up at 5am to make sure she got up but she was already up. I got up and hung out with her and had some breakfast. I'm so proud she's my daughter.
Savvy having breakfast and getting loved on by our Lexi
We spent the couple hours before she had to leave with her getting ready for school and chatting with me. And me playing on the Wii Fit. But of course I had to stop and take her picture just before she left. She didn't really act like she wanted me to but oh well. LOL

After she left Penny showed up and was in a happy mood, so she played in her bouncer while I played on the Wii. I did 35 min on the Wii Fit, 30 min on Jillian Michaels' 2009 Wii game, 20 min on 10 min workout for the Wii, 16 min on Golds Gym dance for the Wii, and 12 min on Golds Gym cardio boxing. Then I just hung out with Penny till her mommy came and got her.
We chilled in the backyard for about 30 min waiting on her Aunties to come home for lunch. And she seemed to really enjoy it. I think that might be come a regular thing for us. She was red faced by the time we came in even though we were in the shade and had a breeze, but she's not used to being outside much.
After Penny's mommy came and got her I watched tv for a bit then started to get ready to go meet Cuppy for an afternoon bike ride. I got my padded bike shorts on and a tank top and got some bottles of water ready and even got out my Anti Monkey Butt powder.
This stuff saves my behind! 
 I loaded up my bike in the van.

I decided to leave early, just before 3, even though we weren't meeting until 4ish. I wanted to beat the worst of the traffic. So I ended up sitting in the parking lot hanging out with Batman while waiting on Cuppy to arrive.

I played some games on my phone and texted Savvy to make sure she got home from school ok and checked the weather.
This had me wondering if we should be out riding.
Waiting on Cuppy
So Cuppy finally arrived!
We got our bikes out and I realized I had a low front tire. So I tried to air it up with my pump and couldn't get it to work and the more I messed with it the lower the tire got. We decided to load my bike up in the back of her truck and drive to the nearest gas station to air it up there. We get there and there are two guys airing up their bike tires. They finish and then I pull my bike out of the truck (they seemed very impressed with my Trek) They helped us air up my tire, which was very nice of them, and we were on our way back to the river.

We got geared up and took off down the short end of the trails first. It was hot out but didn't seem to bad when we got started. There were others out riding and walking the Oklahoma River Trails since it was a beautiful day even if it was a scorcher.

We saw some pretty sites and even some geese.
Cuppy thought I was trying to take her picture.LOL I think she might even have threatened me. HEHE I really was just trying to get the geese I swear! We stopped under a bridge to cool off in the shade and to drink some water.

Of course Cuppy cut her leg on the zip tie that was holding her water bottle rack to the frame of her bike. I think she gets some kind of minor injury every time we do something.

 And as usual I got into a zone, or as Cuppy calls it my twilight zone and ended up leaving her behind. I think it's the hills that causes it because she has some issues shifting gears and can't get into the lower/easier gears. At one point I turned around to check on her and realized I couldn't see her anymore. So I rode to the top of the hill and then waited on her. I didn't want to get that far ahead of her just in case something happened.

We ended up riding 14 miles and barely finished. Cuppy ran out of water and I was almost out before we got back to the vehicles. What water I had left was hot, not warm but HOT. We stopped a couple times in the shade to try and cool off some. We both started feeling sick to our stomachs. I even threw up a little, but that was partly due to the smell of goose poo that was under the bridge we stopped at. Towards the end I really just wanted to lay down on the ground and go to sleep, but I didn't. I made myself keep going. I knew that I had more water in a cooler in the van. The distance wasn't the problem. We've done 13.5 and I've done 20 and 30 miles in the past year. It was the heat. We usually ride early morning, but with school starting I have Penny every morning. So we are going to have to change our riding day to Sundays I think. So that we can ride before it gets so hot. Well, we made it back to the vehicles and got them started so they'd cool off and I got out the 2 extra bottles of water I had brought for after the ride. We drank them down and used the ice packs on our necks and heads to cool ourselves off. Then we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. When I got home Savvy met me at the door with a big glass of water. Then I took a nice cool shower. I sweated so much during the bike ride that I was salty afterwards. So salty you could see it on my skin.

While I showered she cut up some tomatoes and bell peppers for my salad and make me a soy protein drink. Then she made me a turkey and tomato sandwich to go with my salad.

It was a yummy dinner, which I ate while Savannah and I watched 'Mars Needs Moms'. A very cute movie. I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the bike ride or be able to drive home, but I did it. Today wasn't a lazy day at all!


  1. I would say I would not have made it back to the truck without you! I was ready to give up! But you kept me going when I didn't wanna and I like to think I kept u going when u didn't want to! :-)

  2. You did help me keep going Cuppy. But if we had given up we would still be out there. LOL
