Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 4: Tired Tuesday

Well I woke up at 530 and cooked Savvy and I breakfast. I fried us each an egg in some olive oil and a slice of turkey bacon, put the egg on a bagel thin covered that with a slice of American cheese for Savvy and baby swiss for me and added the turkey bacon cut in half on top of the cheese. So we had bacon egg and cheese bagel thins for breakfast with a cup of super pulpy orange juice.
Then Savvy was off to school and a few minutes later Jessica and Penny showed up. Penny and I were both super tired so we decided to take a nap together. I think we slept for about an hour and half. Then Penny wanted to play in her bouncer.
I thought she was going to tip herself over. LOL she get's so excited in it and about Lexi. She is such a dog lover.
I ended up not doing much of anything except playing with Penny. I was just exhausted. I've not been sleeping well and I've been getting up between 530 and 630 every day for the last few weeks. And it just caught up to me. So most of the day was spent sitting around playing with Penny and dozing. Bad I know.  But then again sometimes your body just needs that time to rest and recover.

So that's how I spent Tired Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow will be Wacky Wednesday or Wild Wednesday or something fun or at least active.

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