Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 2: Thursday

The plan for today was to meet up with Cuppy at the Oklahoma River trails and ride 15 miles, but I got up this morning and went outside because I was hearing thunder and I see these HUGE flashes of lightening. So texted Cuppy and we decided we did not want to ride lightening rods this morning. So we went back to bed. I got up again about 8ish and looked out my back windows and saw some clouds but didnt look so bad so I thought I'd just ride around my neighborhood. I should have looked out the front windows too. LOL I got out side and got my bike out and this is what I saw.
But it wasn't raining yet so I decided to see how long I could ride before the rain hit.
I wasn't so sure I should be or really wanted to be out riding this morning it was crazy windy. I managed to get in 2.87 miles in 17 minutes before the rain hit. My neighborhood isn't very big so that really covered most of it.
just a few minutes after I got home

about 10 minutes after I stopped riding
Since I couldn't ride without risking getting hit by lightening I got the Van cleaned out for our trip tomorrow.

And then played on the Wii Fit for and hour and half and burned another 460 calories according to the Wii. I broke a sweat so I'm sure I burned a good amount the amount that it said.

After working out on the Wii I had to take my furbaby over to my friend Jessica's house, she's keeping her for me over the weekend so my daughter and Cuppy and I can go on a mini vacation. I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave her there. We've had her, well it will be a year on Sunday and this is the first time I have left her with someone else. We went over to Jessica's and played with her there for an hour or so to get her used to the surroundings and make sure Presley, Jessica's dog, would be ok with Lexi. There was some growling on Presley's part but Lexi just wanted to play. I got out some rawhide bones and things kinda settled down.

We left and I wanted to cry. LOL It was almost as hard as leaving my son at Thunderbird Youth Academy.

Well I didn't really have time to focus on missing my furbaby since we still had to get to the stores to get a few things we needed/wanted for our trip tomorrow.  So we got what we needed, had dinner, and headed home to pack some more and make some salsa for this weekend. And the salsa turned out delish if I do say so myself.

Savannah helped me make it. I can't wait to have it on my eggs for breakfast in the morning. And I'm so excited to get going in the morning and have some mommy/daughter/mummy time!

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