Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 3 Lazy Wednesday

So woke up this morning feeling extremely tired, but I had to get up because Penny was coming over today. It was a beautiful morning and I should have gotten the stroller out and taken Penny and Lexi for a walk, but after the dog incident I was nervous to take them walking with me.So I spent the morning playing with Penny and then she decided it was nap time and fell asleep on my chest. I didn't want to move because I was afraid I'd wake her so I was going to watch tv until she woke. That is until I dropped the remote and the tv was on Sponge Bob. UGH I couldn't reach the remote without waking her so I took a nap with her instead. 
After Penny went home with her mommy I was supposed to go to Cuppy's to swim but I just couldn't keep my eyes open and it had already rained in the early hours of the day and looked like it could again so talked to Cuppy and decided I'd take a little nap while she cleaned her house some more and then we'd play on the wii together. So I ended up sleeping about 2 hours and after that felt much better. Cuppy and I played on the Wii Fit. We did the cycling, kung fu rhythm, and rhythm parade. Cuppy had a hard time on the advanced cycling she had all but one flag that she just couldn't find. It took her a while but between her and I we finally figured out where the missing flag was. While she was searching for her flag I did some other games and ended up playing for over an hour and burning almost 370 calories. We stopped so we could have dinner and she could walk Sparkle.
my yummy dinner
My Savvy decided she wanted MacNCheese
I planned on playing more but ended up talking with my Husband on Skype until after 10 and that is just to late for me to workout. So I called it a night since tomorrow is Savvy's first day of her junior year. ACK! And I wanted to get up at 5am with her to make sure she got up ok. Well again not a real active day but not totally inactive either. Some days are a struggle to make myself move, but having the commitment to Cuppy helps.

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