Saturday, August 20, 2011

Week 3 Friday and Saturday

Well I've been bad Friday and Saturday. Didn't workout like I should have. Well to be honest not at all.
I don't think the 8 laps at Cuppy's could really count as exercise.

I spent the first part of the day with Penny. We played and were silly and she tried some Baby Mum-mums for the first time.
 After Penny left I just sat around the house messing around on the computer and watching tv until it was time to go to Cuppy's for dinner and swimming. Was supposed to be a group of us there but for dinner it was just Kevin, Cuppy, Savvy, Carrie, and I. A couple friend of Kevin's showed up with their son. I think their names were Justin and Stephanie. I'm horrible with names so I'm not real sure.  My eating wasn't to bad. The dinner we had at Cuppy's and we made our version of a taco salad.
After dinner we went out to the pool to swim and just hangout and enjoy everyone's company. It was a great night but I was exhausted by the time I got home. I climbed into bed and started a movie and was out before the starting credits were finished rolling.

I had planned on getting up and walking Lexi around 8, but ended up sleeping in until 10am. And by then it was warming up outside so we didn't go walk. Instead I ended up cleaning the livingroom and kitchen. I think I spent 30-40 min just doing the carpet in the livingroom, ugh so much dog hair! Then Savvy's big sister showed up to kidnap her and take her to get her shoes and get fitted for her bridesmaid dress. I have pix but not sure I should put them up until after the wedding.  For lunch I grilled a veggie burger and put it on a orowheat bun and sauted up some onions and tomatoes and green and yellow bell peppers with some garlic and smothered the veggie burger in it. YUM. I should have taken a pic but forgot. Then I decided I wanted some baked apples and decided to do them in the crockpot. I didn't have cinnamon so used nutmeg and some brown sugar instead and they turned out very tasty.
They don't look pretty but they taste yummy! But I think I'm going to let them go longer still to simmer off more of the liquid. I think I might have used to much water.

Anyways that was my Friday and Saturday. Very lazy indeed. I'm planning on driving out to Lake Hefner in the morning for a bike ride. I'm going to ride some by myself and Cuppy is going to join me a little later. Not sure if we are going to ride together or walk but either way I'll get me some exercise and some CuppyTime. LOL  Love that girl!

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