Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week 2: Tuesday

Well today was me on my own. And I think I did ok. I didn't start as early as I had planned. But it is so hard to make yourself get up to go workout when the commitment is to yourself not someone else. I'm not sure why that is but this morning I kept hitting snooze over and over and over because I didn't want to get out of bed, but if I had been going to go meet up with Cuppy I wouldn't have snoozed it. I would have been up right away getting ready to go because I don't wanna let her down. But I am willing to let myself down. I think I need to figure out why that is.

Oh well I got up and got dressed and came out of the room with my shoes and Lexi saw me and got all excited. At first I tried to keep her quiet because my daughter and her friend were asleep in the living room but she was so excited there was no keeping her quiet.

So we get out the door and into the van and she is eager to go. Keeps nudging my arm again like she did yesterday. And getting on and off the seat. She was restless and ready to go.

We missed the sunrise since I slept in until 640 this morning instead of getting up by 545. But it was a lot cooler today than it has been the past several weeks. We had a good rain last night and it cooled it off but it also made it a bit more humid. But I still got a pretty picture of the sun.
We walked 4.25 miles today but we didnt stay on the trail. After about 2.5-3 miles Lexi had started to slow down. We did some jogging on and off the first 2.3 miles and I think it wore her out faster than just walking would have. It got to where when we would be jogging she would get in front of me and slow down and just about trip me. So I figured she was tired of jogging. I might have to do the jogging alone and just walk with her at least for a while. So at that point we wandered off the trail and through the fields again. Which I think she liked because she picked up her pace a bit.

We ended up with 4.25 miles by the time we were done and she was tired barely walking but I had to make her go back to the van. She actually walked right past it and was going to keep going even though her tongue was dragging the ground. We came home and Savannah gave Lexi a bath because she got dirty when she walked through some water that come up to her belly. And then Lexi said she was done for a while.
 While Lexi was getting her bath I decided I was going to do some yoga because I was feeling tight from the last week or so of working out and not stretching (I'm bad about not stretching ask Cuppy). So I did 30 minutes of yoga as well. All in all a really good morning even though I didn't have Cuppy or Savannah's company. Now time to do some laundry.

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