Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 2: Wednesday

So went up to Cuppy's today and we decided to start out with a bike ride. See our pretty bikes! I love my bike!
Took this just before we started riding. Look you can see Cuppy's car behind us. HeHe. Anyways we had a blast we rode 5.56 miles. It's less than we usually do but we were planning on swimming later and riding again in the morning. Since we were riding in Cuppy's neck of the woods she led us and I followed and she had us going back and forth up and down all over the neighborhood. And yes Cuppy it did drive me a little nutty but I'm half way there already so it's not hard.
Here's a map of our ride. It was fun though. Everything is always fun with Cuppy. I got to tease Cuppy about her OCD instead of me getting teased about mine.
We did an ok time for what we did what with all the stop signs and traffic. I did discover that I like riding on bike paths better than in the street. We don't have mirrors so we have to keep turning around to see if there are cars coming up behind us.
After our ride Cuppy had some errands she needed to get done. So we went to the bank for her boyfriend and my friend then we went to Academy to get her some bike gloves for the ride in the morning and she also ended up getting some bike shorts and a water bottle with a rack, I wonder if she put it on herself or got her dad to do it.Then we went back to her house to swim laps. We had planned on doing a mile, which in her pool is 88 laps. But we ended up doing 22 laps then 50 pushups on the side of the pool and 100 squats in the pool ( btw I love doing squats in the pool as opposed to outside the pool) then we swam another 22 laps and then treaded water for 5-10 min and called it a day. My legs were not wanting to move anymore. I think they were starting to rebel since I'd only taken one day off in the last 2 weeks.
After swimming we went inside to make ourselves some dinner. Cuppy steamed some yellow squash and made herself a hamburger and I made myself a couple of veggie burgers. She had made some pico stuff the day before and we put some of that on our burgers and they were delish!
A very colorful dinner if I say so. It was a very enjoyable evening.  And a very healthy dinner with pretty colors. And the drive home was uneventful which is nice but the sky was pretty as well. I managed to snap a photo when I was stopped at a light.
Great night and great company! Now if the weather allows tomorrow we are going to ride 15 miles!

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