Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Week 3 Tuesday-Doggonit

This morning I had planned on getting up at 530 to go for a walk before Penny got here. Apparently I didn't just hit snooze this morning. I turned off the alarm clock because I woke up to my phone ringing and Jess telling me she was standing outside the front door. So I didn't get an early morning, see the sunrise walk like I wanted. Instead I walked about 8am. I woke Savvy up and had her sit with Penny so I could get my hour in and not have to have her out in the heat because it was already getting warm out. It was still a beautiful morning to walk though. I looked one direction and saw blue skies look the other and see clouds.
This morning I decided I wasn't going to just walk. I wanted to wog, or walk and jog. I'm not able to jog for long periods of time so I set up some intervals on my RunKeeper app on my phone. I walked for 4 min and jogged for 1 and repeated that for an hour. Plus had a 5 min warm up and cool down. I managed to get in 5 miles this morning. I walked up and down every single road in my neighborhood, some of them twice. I was sweating like crazy and breathing heavy through most of it so I'd say it was a good workout. I got to see some pretty sky

and picked up 6 pennies while walking. LOL and I think all but 1 maybe 2 were heads up. I didn't have any pockets so I stuck them in my bra.
I got back to the house and realized I was at 4.75 miles, so I figured I'd finish out the last mile and walked back up the road and around the corner and into the church parking lot. I was walking along with my headset on listening to some tunes when all of a sudden there was a dog right next to me barking and growling and showing it's teeth. I about peed my pants. I pulled off my headset and started to slowly back away and it kept growling at me and coming at me. So I yelled at it to get away, go home, and who knows what all I yelled. I was scared. It kept lunging at me like it was going to bite me. And I just yelled at it and backed away. I think I lunged at it a couple times trying to show it I wasn't scared even though I was. I just kept backing away from it and yelling at it to go home, to get away and it eventually stopped following me. So I went back to my house and walked in a circle in the cul-de-sac to finish the last .05 miles. My neighbor had been sitting on her front porch and she said she heard me yelling and was about to go get her car keys and come rescue me when she saw me come around the corner. I guess I was yelling pretty loudly. Well that sure got my adrenaline going and my heart to thumping. After being terrified by the dog I went in and rested a while and had a protein shake. It is chocolate Naturade soy protein shake with 2 cups of frozen strawberries blended in. MMMMM YUMMY!

Then I cleaned the living room up and played with Penny till her momma got here to pick her up.

Her mom came and got her early today so after they left I decided to play on the Wii Fit. I played for an hour and 43 min. And according to the Wii I burned another 550 calories. I was going to go for another walk tonight but I am tired and I think my bed is already calling my name.

Night! Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

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