Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 5: Belly dancing Tuesday

I got up at 0630 as usual and got ready for Penny to arrive. Cuppy and I had decided not to meet this morning so she could have breakfast with her huny. So Penny and I hung out at home. I did some laundry and then decided to check out the videos on On Demand. I found 3 10 minute belly dancing videos and decided to give it a go. No there aren't any pictures of me attempting to belly dance because Penny still hasn't figured out how to use the camera, THANK GOODNESS! It was fun and I worked up a sweat. And I think Penny thought I was a bit crazy with the way I was shimmying and moving around. LOL After that I continued with the laundry and Penny played in her playpen.

Jessica came over on her lunch break to visit with Penny while she had time. Then the girls came home for lunch. As the girls and Jessica were getting ready to leave to back to school and work my friend LeaAnn showed up to take Penny and I to lunch. We went to Poblano Grill. 

Penny couldn't decide what to eat
 We had yummy food. I have the Veggie quesodilla like I always do and I think LeaAnn had an enchilada. Penny had fun banging her teething ring and bottle on the table.

After lunch we came back to the house and hung out and watched tv and played with Penny. After Penny went home we continued with the tv watching and chatting, but I think I fell asleep somewhere during the tv watching. LOL I didn't mean to but had a horrible headache. When LeaAnn left I finished the laundry and chatted with my husband on the phone a bit (HE WILL BE HOME IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS!!!!). It was a good day. I enjoyed the belly dancing that I attempted, although I think it would have been more fun to try it with Cuppy, but I think we would have spent more time laughing at ourselves than dancing. Tomorrow we are going to walk the canal again with the kids and then I think we might take them to a spray park or playground for them to play. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for me!

Week 5: Monday Funday

Well got up at 0630 to get ready for Penny to arrive and to get us loaded up in the van to meet Cuppy and the kiddos. I was feeling better after all the sleep I got the day before. (I probably could have called the dentist before our walk but I thought I'd wait till after.) Well Penny and I arrived before Cuppy and the kids so we decided to walk around on our own since she was so fussy. But once she was out of the carseat and in the stroller she was a happy little one.

We walked around just looking at all the pretty things along the canal, like the waterfall and some ducks, until Cuppy texted saying they were there.

With walking back to the cars to meet the others we walked .45 miles on our own.
Cuppy had had some problems with one of the boys not wanting to join us, but I think she told him if he would come he could feed the ducks. So she brought 3 slices of bread, one for each of the big kids. We started off on our walk just chatting and enjoying being together. We saw some pretty flowers and lots of ducks.

 We even saw some rainbows from the water sprinklers.

We stopped at the playground again and let the kids play for a while and Cuppy and I sat with Penny and chatted and just really enjoyed watching the kids play. (I miss my kids being little and playing at the park. But they are almost grown.) We got the kids moving again and Cuppy helped me carry Penny and the stroller down the stairs. We found a place that had lots of ducks and some shade and stopped so the kids could feed the duckies.

After we ran out of bread we continued walking and the ducks followed us for quite a ways.
Skyler kept sitting down on the sidewalk in front of me so I kept acting like I was going to run him over and the Vince started doing it too. It was funny. They'd kinda scream and get up real fast and run.

The boys each found a rollypolly

I think the kids may have played harder at the playground this time or they were wore out from the week with Cuppy because they kept sitting down to rest or leaning on things. I know Dixie was moving slower this time. Cuppy even had to carry her for a bit.

It was a beautiful day. With bright blue skies and the wonderful sun and a few clouds. I love days like this. It makes me happy to be outside and with a terrific friend and wonderful kids. It just all made me very happy.

I walked 2.31 miles with Cuppy and the kids. We said our good byes and hugged. Then I loaded Penny up in the van and we headed back to my house. Where we hung out and goofed off and she crawled around until her mommy picked her up.

A good friend called too that I hadn't seen or talked to in a while and she came over for a visit. She hung out for a while and we chatted and caught up some. And then realized what time it was and that we were hungry so her and Savvy and I went to IHop for brinner. It was yummy food and great company. Today was a great day for me. I got to see two really awesome ladies and hung out with some awesome kids.

Week 5: Sunday rest day

I keep having these days that I call lazy days or blah days or something negative, but I'm starting to think maybe it is just my body telling me that it needs to rest and recover. So I think from now on I'm going to try to put a positive spin on those days. I think all my negativity may be bringing me down.

So Sunday, the day after we did the Moore War 5k, I slept in for the first time in I think 2-3 weeks. I had made plans with Cuppy to meet up and go walk but I was not feeling well at all. I have been dealing with a toothache for the past week or so and when I woke up Sunday it was hurting pretty badly and my gums felt a little swollen. So I canceled the bike ride and just spent the day laying around the house. I kept falling asleep. I think I slept most of the day away. At one point I was sitting at the computer and my daughter came in to talk to me and was looking at me funny. I asked her what was wrong and she asked what I had in my mouth. I said my tongue. She said it looked like I had something in my mouth tucked up in my cheek. So I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure enough the right side of my face was a bit swollen.

I took a few pictures. You can kinda see it. So I decided that I'd call the dentist the next morning. I took some pills and laid on the couch and fell asleep again. Savvy decided to make us some lunch and cooked me some scrambled eggs, tasty, not unhealthy, and easy to eat.
Sometime in the evening while trying to watch movies on the computer, but mostly sleeping in the chair,  I got a text from Cuppy asking what I was doing. I told her I was trying to stay awake. She said she could help me with that and to answer my front door. LOL Her and Dixie were here for a visit. So we hung out for a bit and Dixie drew me a picture.
After they left I stayed up for a couple more hours and finally went to bed for the night knowing that we had plans to meet at the Canal in Bricktown for a walk with all the kiddos.

I think Sunday my body was saying "HEY YOU NEED TO REST SOMETIMES!" So I did. And I think I need to listen to my body more than I do and stop ignoring all the pains I get.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 4: 5k Saturday!!!

Beautiful sunrise

Today was the Moore War Run 5k! It was a blast! My bestie Cuppy and my friend Kevin (her boyfriend) did it with me. My daughters Savvy and Carrie did it as well. The morning started off great. I woke up on time and got Savvy up. We got up, dressed and had breakfast. Then waited on Cuppy and Kevin and Carrie to arrive. Cuppy and Kevin got here first, but since they still had to get their packets they walked over to the high school while we waited for Carrie to arrive. After she got here and we all had our water we walked over to the high school. Walking over was .37 miles. Then we stood around waiting on the run to start just chatting and stretching.
Carrie and Savvy always giving me funny looks

Cuppy hydrating before the run

Kevin being spacey

Cuppy getting a good stretch

Savvy didn't know I was taking their pic, but Carrie did

Opps Savvy caught me. Love these girls!
They blocked off the street from traffic so that it would be safe for us and then had us all move out into the street. And we stood around waiting some more.
Savvy and Carrie waiting to start

Cuppy and Kevin (cute couple) waiting to start running

Me and Cuppy

Me and Cuppy waiting to start
They had us move forward so that the people in front were at the start line, we were near the back. Then we were off. We started off walking and people were passing us left and right. I looked at Cuppy and said I don't wanna be last! Then we looked behind us and realized we pretty much were because everyone else was running. LOL So we took off at a jog/run. Savvy and Carrie had started off skipping and had left us behind for a bit. But we ended up passing them as we rogged (run/jogged). We would rog until one of us had to stop to breath. Since Kevin and I both have asthma, his is much worse than mine, we didn't wanna push to hard but we still wanted to challenge ourselves. We didn't have anyone to take pix of us as we rogged.There were professionals out there taking them, but they are so expensive!  So I don't have any of us rogging to add to this. But we all did finish. Cuppy, Kevin and I finished together in 44 minutes. That's 1 minute faster than the last 5k I did. Savvy and Carrie finished in 48 minutes. And I think that is awesome since it was their first 5k. I was at the finish line when they crossed and got a couple of pictures. I wanted to cry when they finished I was so proud of them!
This is the girls approaching the finish line

They are almost there!
They are about to step over the line!
I love my girls and I am proud that they did this. Savvy now wants to do the Race for the Cure 5k with me in October. I hope she will keep wanting to do them with me.
The run was a 5k which is 3.16 miles. After we were done and we were sure we weren't going to get any door prizes we headed home since we knew that none of us had placed so not getting a medal. We walked home from the end of the race. And for some reason we took the longer way home. We walked another 1.75 miles to get home. It was a great morning and I'm so glad I had such wonderful friends and daughters do do this with.
After we got home and everyone took their shoes off and cooled off and rested some, Cuppy and Kevin had to leave to go put up their boat. The girls and I just chilled at home for a while then took Carrie home. But Savvy and my day was not over yet. We showered and got dressed Savvy wrapped her sister's gift, we ate lunch and headed to Edmond for Savvy's sister's bridal shower.
The gift

Why you taking my picture?

Stop taking my pictures
We arrived and didn't know alot of people there, but it was a nice place. I loved the kitchen. We got to see Savvy's cousin Tabby, who we hadn't seen in years. Savvy and I really kinda just stuck to each other. She was having an emotional day, but I won't go into that here she might get upset with me. There was lots of food and candy and cupcakes. And I think I ate more candy than I should have, but I did stop myself after 2 mini cupcakes. They were so yummy though.
I didn't want my picture taken

Savvy told me to smile, so I did

The doormat is the gift we gave her. I think it took Amanda 5 minutes to unwrap it Savvy used ALOT of tape.
We stayed for 2 hours and enjoyed chatting with the few people we chatted with, especially Tabby. I had fun watching Amanda open her gifts. It was a fun time.
After we got home I sat in the recliner and passed out. I think I slept for like 4 hours. I woke up after 9pm. Chatted with my hubby for a bit, watched a movie and went to bed. I didn't even eat dinner so I guess that balances out the crap food I ate at the shower. I had planned on walking Lexi after it cooled off outside but my body decided to sleep instead. So I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but it was a great day. And a terrific ending to week 4!