Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 6 but Day 1 of c25k

Well today started WAAAAAAAY Early. I had decided the night before that I wanted to start a c25k program (couch to 5k). I want to be able to run/jog a whole 5k. I figure since I'm not much of a runner I need to work my way up to it. And what better way to start than with intervals. So I decided I was going to start it today. I was telling Cuppy about it and she decided to start it with me. So in a way this is Day 6 and Day 1. Anyways, I got up at 4am, I know way to early. I didn't want to get up and I think if I hadn't already committed to meeting Cuppy at the canal then I would have gone back to sleep. I almost did. When my alarm went off I turned it off and laid back down and closed my eyes and ALMOST fell asleep, but I thought no I can't do this. I committed to Cuppy that I'd be there. So I got up and got dressed then made a Protein shake so I'd have something in my tummy. I poured a bottle of water so I'd have some for after and I left the house. Half way there I realized I left the water on the kitchen counter. I think I always forget something. Maybe I need to start making check lists.

We arrived at the canal within minutes of each other, so I didn't have to wait long. It was cool so we wore our jackets and I brought stocking caps I had made and some gloves. I knew Cuppy would forget hers, she usually does until it gets super cold. HEHE LOVE YOU CUPPY! Anywho, we bundled up and then started off. We started with a 5 minute walk to warm up then we jogged for 1 minute then walked for 2 minutes. We repeated the walk jog intervals for about 30 minutes. Cuppy had to skip a couple because she got a pain in her side that seemed pretty bad. So she walked and I'd jog and when the minute was up I'd turn around and walk back and till we met up again. I think she only skipped two. After the 30 minutes we started skipping one jog interval. So we'd jog for 1 minute then walk 5 minutes. Cuppy's side was still hurting and I was starting to wheeze (I have mild asthma). We walked for 1 hour 4 minutes and according to the Nike bean pod we did 4.53 miles.
our map on RunKeeper (I stopped it before I stopped the pod thingy)

I'm pretty proud of what we did this morning. We are going to start meeting every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 5am to wog together. We might meet on other days to walk or do something else together but if not I plan on doing some strength training and walking on the other days even if I have to do it alone. I wish we had taken pictures during our wogging but we were concentrating on breathing. LOL Next time we will have to at least take before and after pix of each other.
After I got home I made me some scrambled eggs with 1/2 c chopped mushrooms and 1/2 chopped yellow pepper. Was yummy. Penny arrived while I was fixing my breakfast. I chatted with her mom for a bit then she headed off to work. While Penny and I stayed home and played. Then Penny took herself a nap and I watched my shows that were on the DVR. I will say that while watching Grey's Anatomy I had a cry fest. I can't help it I'm a big baby.
About 11am Cuppy rode one of her hunny's motorcycles over and hung out with me while he spent time with his dad. While she was at the house Savvy and Carrie came home for lunch. Cuppy noticed a huge spider that was inside one of my curtains!
It was huge and scary and I think it may have been a brown recluse! Well since it was inside the white curtain I didn't want to just smash it. So I grabbed a hold of the curtain and started shaking it trying to make it fall out. It eventually did but then jumped up on the brown curtain. So then I grabbed that curtain and tried to shake it off again. All the while we squealed and laughed and jumped around. LOL I told Savvy to get a show and squish it so she through one of my shoes at it and missed by a mile. Then she got the other shoe and missed again. But the second time the spider fell on the floor by my feet. So I jumped back and told Savvy to step on it. She had shoes on I was barefoot. She threw my shoe on it then stepped on my shoe and jumped up and down.
This is what the spider looked like. I didn't take this picture but I found it online and Savvy agrees with me.
After it was dead I got some tissue to pick it up and could feel the crunchy body through it and it grossed me out so got more tissue. LOL Silly I know but that's me. So we got rid of the body and all was well. HAHA
Then the girls went back to school and Cuppy got into her bike gear and headed back to her hunny's parent's house and Penny and I hung out till her momma got here. Then Penny's mommy showed up and we chatted for a while and watched a new broadcast about the Fire Chief's wife being arrested for his murder. (SHOCKING) After Penny and her mommy left I did some squats and wall push ups (wall push ups are hard when you can't put pressure on the palm of your left hand) then headed to the library to pick up Savvy and Carrie and their friend Jordon and took Jordon home.
Then went home and had some quiet time in my room while Savvy and Carrie watched cartoons until her dad got here. For dinner Savvy and I made ourselves some salads.
Here is mine. It is spinach, iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, tomato, hard boiled eggs, black beans, baby carrots, sunflower seeds, and sun dried tomatoes. It was super yummy!
After dinner I talked Savvy into going with me to take Lexi for a walk, because sometimes she gets excited and it takes both hands to hold on to her and since I'm having problems with my left hand I wasn't certain it was a good idea to walk her alone. So Savvy went with me to Earlywine park again. She brought the Ipod this time so we didn't do alot of talking but it was still nice being together and doing something healthy.
She was ready and eager to go

Getting some bottled water out of the mini van. Lexi jumped in thought we were going in it. LOL

In the car now and excited!

She didn't want her pic taken
She really wasn't mad just making faces

My beautiful Savvy

Savvy and Lexi. I really like this pic
We ended up walking about 2-3 miles it depends on which app you believe. RunKeeper or the Nike bean.


Nike bean pod
But the difference could be from me weaving in and out of the trees. I've discovered if you do small loops and stuff like that that RunKeeper doesn't always pick it all up as a loop it will put it as you standing still for a few seconds. Where as the Nike bean pod is a pedometer on my shoe and it catches most if not all the steps I take. Either way I like having them both.
After our walk. My forehead looks funny. I think it's the tan line I have from wearing my sweaty bands.

I think she was tired and her glasses had slipped down.

She was worn out.
So as for my goals. I got WAY more than my 10 minutes of fitness in today. I did some laundry and picked up some more. And my carbs for the day were 74g!!! So below my max goal of 115g. I think to day was a fabulous day. I got to see my Cuppy twice! I got to play with Penny most of the morning and part of the afternoon. I got to go for 2 walks, one with Cuppy (well that was a wog) and one with my lovely daughter Savvy and our furbaby Lexi. I am extremely tired but extremely happy and proud of myself for today. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. HEHE

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