Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 1

Today is the day I start over. I reached my goals today for my fitness and housework. I actually did more than what I had set out to do. And I did go over my carb goal for the day but still not to bad.

I spent 30 minutes folding and putting away laundry, I got through 4 laundry baskets. You'd think that would mean the laundry was done, but nope there is more to wash and dry as well. I also did the dishes too. That took about 10-15 minutes.

Then I had dinner. Which consisted of a spinach salad with sweet peppers, strawberries, sun-dried tomatoes, and sliced turkey. After I ate the salad I realized I was still hungry and had only eaten 745 calories or so. So I grilled some chicken breast and ate that too. My total carbs for the day was 129g. (give or take a couple). Not bad. That's about half of what I usually eat.

After dinner I played on the Wii for about 30 minutes. So I hit my goal of at least 10 minutes and then some. I find the Wii games I have fun, even though they are meant for exercise, so I end up doing more than I plan. Not complaining though. So not a super active day, but I hit my goals for fitness and housework time, but went over on my carbs. I wonder if 115g is to little. I don't know, I guess I'll stick with it like this for a while and see how things go.

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