Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 6: Manic Monday

Ok, it wasn't really Manic but it was active.
I started my day off by getting up at 7am and getting ready to go meet Cuppy at the canal. I tried to get Gregg and Savvy to join me, Andrew wasn't home he had spent the night with his big sister. But neither of them wanted to get out of bed. Lexi was sad she didn't get to go. But there are so many ducks up there I was afraid she'd pull me into the canal trying to get at them.

So I headed out alone. Cuppy was a bit late so I sat and played some solitare on my phone until she arrived. This was the first time in a while that it was just Cuppy and I that walked so we did all the stairs like we used to and all the weird little extras that we always do due to one or the other of us feeling that we HAD to do it. I think we are both slightly OCD about some things. We had a blast chit chatting about nothing and talking about some serious stuff, serious to us anyways.  We laughed and giggled alot as usual. And were just silly in general.

We saw some pretty things as usual and some that we had missed before with the kids. I had forgotten how much I like walking with just me and Cuppy. With the kids around we moved slower and had to be careful what we talked about. Without them we moved faster and it didn't matter what we talked about. It was an awesome morning. OH, this was also the first time I got to use my Nike pod thing. it said our walk was 4.25 miles but the Runkeeper app on my phone, which is what I usually use, said we did 3 miles. I don't think the runkeeper caught all the little extras we did or the up and down up and down on some of the stairs we did. It tracks us by satellite and is only so accurate. So I wonder how many other walks we've done are actually farther than we thought. When we finished we ended up standing around for almost an hour talking some more. I love talking with my Cuppy. I can tell her anything and I hope she feels the same.
After we finally decided to head home we both left the parking lot with our windows down. It was such a nice day. I got home and Gregg met me at the door, which was very nice. I asked him if he wanted to go with me to walk Lexi but he wasn't feeling well so he stayed home. But Savvy joined us. We went to Veterans Memorial park to walk. It was still very nice out and there were lots and lots and lots of people there.
We walked 2.52 miles. So already a very active day. By the time we got home it was close to lunch time so I fixed myself a plate full of broccoli, cauliflower, sliced turkey and some french onion veggie dip. It was yuuuuuumy!
After lunch we went bra shopping for Savvy, she needed a bra that will work for her bridesmaid dress in her sister's wedding this coming Saturday. We found one that I think will work. We had fun just goofing off in the store though.

After shopping we took Savvy over to her sister's to spend time with her and we hung out there for a little bit with the kids and the giant dog Jack.

Gregg and I went and had dinner at Chili's then went to Jcpenny and bought some clothes that were on sale. Then wandered around Target until it was time to get the kids. Then we went home and watched a movie together. It was another stupendous day! Time with my best friend Cuppy, time with my daughter, time with my husband, time with my son, time with my family! Who can beat that?

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