Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 6: Tremendous Thursday

Thursday I woke up about 8am and decided I wanted to go for a walk and explore, plus I could sneak in some exercise. Gregg was still asleep when I got up. I tried to be quiet so as not to wake him, but he awoke and I'm not sure if I woke him or if he just woke on his own. I knew he wouldn't want to go walk with me so we made plans to go to breakfast after I got back and got cleaned up.
I started off by just picking a road and going since I didn't know what was around or where I was heading or what I would find. As I walked along I heard a noise and looked over and saw a momma deer and her baby. As I looked she leaped into the air and into the woods. There was a road in the direction she went so when I came to it I went down it hoping I'd get to see them again. I did and I tried to get a picture but they were faster than I was but I did get a pretty picture of the hill they ran up. LOL
This is the hill the deer ran up

hill I walked down

Hill I walked up and then had to go back down when I found the dead end

I found squirrels eating the birdseed they had knocked out of the bird feeder.
I ended up walking 1.25 miles in 28 minutes. I know not a long distance but those hills were ALOT bigger than the ones I'm used to. Plus I kinda was planning on getting Gregg to go find some places to go hiking/walking so I didn't wanna wear myself out to early.
Map of my morning walk
 So I got back to the cabin and Gregg and I got cleaned up and dressed and headed out for breakfast. I had a bacon egg and cheese biscuit and Gregg had a breakfast burrito. It was ok. Better than McDs. They used real eggs! LOL Gregg asked the ladies there about some good places to go see and to go hiking and they suggested a park in Bernice right on the lake. So off we headed. We found the little park and hoped that the nature center would be open but it wasn't so We headed off down the trail. It wasn't steep at all and it was paved. We saw some beautiful sights and a few BENCHES!
Gregg changing out of sandals so we could walk

one of my benches

Gregg getting friendly with my bench

I have loads more photos from this walk, to many to put on here. But it was a beautiful walk. They had observations towers you could go up in and sit and watch butterflies and birds and the lake. The towers were kind of wobbly though so scary, but with a great view! We weren't the only ones out that day either.
We also walked up to the water to check out the view and just look around. We saw more pretty things and some not so pretty things.

Yup I was there lol

We walked 1.73 miles in 44 minutes.
Map of our walk in Bernice
After walking in Bernice we went and got some lunch and went to a park to eat it. We had Subway, YUM. We made a little friend at the park on the lake. We shared our lunch with her.

 She was so cute!
After lunch we went to check out the Pensacola dam. We were hoping to go on a dam tour but turns out the last day they did them was Labor Day. So we were there a few days late. So instead I talked Gregg into walking across the dam and back. The dam is a mile long and it is the longest dam of it's kind I think the brochure said in the whole USA. And it was the first dam to be used to harness water power in Oklahoma.
Before we walked we sat and enjoyed the view and some benches.

It was a nice walk, but I got dizzy when we looked over the railing down the arches to the ground.

I didn't look over the railing alot but I did see some pictures of fish and the pretty sites.

We walked 2.22 miles
Map of the dam walk hehe
After this walk Gregg was ready to just go relax. So we went back to the cabin and he got the grill going and we drank, yes I had alcohol I had margaritas! After dinner of course we got in the hot tub and relaxed and once again enjoyed being together. I have such a wonderful husband. He had specifically said he didn't want to do any hiking or much walking and I've already conned him into it twice in one day. LOL I LOVE HIM!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are great! You looked like yall had a's so awesome and yall definitely deserved it..:)
