Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3

Today started off like normal, got up about 630 and got dressed and waited for Penny and her mom to arrive. We played for a bit.
She didn't like the sweatband

She was getting mad
Then I put her in the pack and play to play and fixed myself some breakfast.
After a breakfast of scrambled eggs with bell peppers spinach onions and cheese. I took a short nap while Penny continued to play. I woke to her screaming and found she had a dirty diaper and when I was cleaning her up she started screaming even louder. As I cleaned her bottom I realized just how red and sore she looked. I couldn't find any so I diapered her up and cuddled her until she calmed down.

She fell asleep in my arms and slept for about 30 minutes before waking up. She's so very cute! After she woke up I put her in her pack n play to play and I got on the computer to work on my blog and other things. I had put on the headphones to listen to a video that TYA had posted on FB. When I took them off they snapped!
They are Gregg's and I feel horrible about it. I'll have to try and find him some new ones, but I think those were kind of expensive. Penny's momma came and to see her on her lunch break and decided to take the rest of the day off to take care of her baby. I don't blame her at all. The poor thing screamed when she peed and screamed when you cleaned her up. She was bright red and starting to look puffy in her lady parts. My poor Penny :(
Penny went home and Savvy and I spent the afternoon just hanging out doing our own things. I made me some lunch. And it was tasty.
I sauted me some onions and zucchini and yellow squash and added some sun dried tomatoes then cut up some turkey bacon and cooked it up with it and topped it off with some cheese. YUUUMY.
Savvy and I went to the store and bought some veg and meats that I can eat. I think I got enough to last the week for both of us. After we got home and Savvy put the groceries away, she always does it for me she's such a wonderful daughter, I cooked dinner for us.
I cooked us up some turkey breast and made us a salad and salad dressing and topped the salad with some string cheese. Was delish!
After dinner Savvy and I decided to take Lexi for a walk at Earlywine Park since it is well lit and usually a busy park and it was already getting dark. We walked 1.6 miles in 30 minutes. It was a very pleasant walk. It was cool but not to cool and I got to spend time with my daughter.

Goals for the day
*at least 10 min of fitness - I got 30 minutes in!
*at least 15 min of housework - I got some laundry going and picked up here and there plus cooked myself 3 meals and one for my daughter. Not quite my goal but I'm still a work in progress
*limit carbs to 115g - I managed to keep them around 100! so yay for me!

All in all not a bad day for my goals but a really bad day for Poor Penny

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