Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 6: Spectacular Sunday

Today was not an exercise free day. Andrew, Lexi and I got up at 5am, went and picked up his friend Autumn and went to Veterans Memorial Park here in Moore. Andrew and Autumn walked about a mile then swung on the swings. I decided I wanted to get in at least 4 miles and that I was going to jog some. But before Andrew and I left this is the sight I found in my living room when I first walked into it.

Andrew's little sister, Stacia, had spent the night and her and Emily, my youngest step-daughter, slept in the living room that night. I think they rolled all over the floor because this is not where they were when I went to bed.

Meanwhile, at the park, I walked about .10 mile then decided that I wanted to jog. So I started jogging. I would pick a spot ahead of me and think "ok I'll jog to there" then I'd get there and pick another spot. I did it over and over and over. I ended up jogging just over a mile non stop! I did that twice! So I jogged over two miles one mile at a time! It's the most I've ever jogged! I was so happy I wanted to cry, sometimes I think I'm to emotional about things. Lexi and I walked 3 miles. I had Andrew come get her so that I could keep going because she wanted to stop. And I ended up doing another 1.25 miles. So I wogged 4.25 miles. Not to shabby for 5am. After the park and taking Autumn home Andrew wanted donuts. So we went to the bakery and got two dozen donuts plus a cinnamon roll for Gregg and an apple fritter for Andrew and 3 sprinkle chocolate donuts for the younger girls. I did NOT get me anything. I went home and had a protein shake like the one I had before the walk. After we got home I decided to go sit in the backyard and drink my shake.

It was cool out and would have been super nice, but because I was covered in sweat I started to get cold after about 10-15 minutes so I didn't stay out as long as I wanted. When I came back in this was the sight that greeted me.

Then we just hung out for a while until it was time for Gregg and his girls to go meet their mom. Gregg took his girls and Stacia and Andrew and I went to Academy to get Andrew some new shoes. I also found some bike racks that might work for the car so that I don't have to put my bike in the back of the van and worry about messing the van up or getting it dirty.
Then when Gregg got back from taking his girls we went up to Best Buy to buy me the Nike + sensor for my shoe. It counts my steps and tells me the miles I've gone while attached to my shoe.
I was excited to get to use it, but had to wait until I met up with Cuppy and she brought me the bean pod to put it in.

This was a Spectacular Sunday! I got in my miles and jogged just over 2 of them. I got the Nike + Ipod thingy. And I got to spend time with my son and his sisters and my husband. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family!

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