Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 6: Saucy Saturday

Woke up about 8ish again. I had planned on going for another walk but changed my mind. My shins and ankles were hurting me plus We needed to make sure we got home early enough to get ready for the evening activities. So we packed everything up and into the van and headed home. We had a mostly uneventful drive, that is until I was munching on some trail mix and dropped some on the floor. I decided to throw it out the window and rolled it down a little. I stuck my fingers out the window but then realized it wasn't open enough so I went to roll it down some more. Well I always get the up and down mixed up on the windows in the van and instead of rolling it down I hit up and smashed my fingers. And then I went to roll it down again and rolled it up AGAIN! OMG did it hurt. I was crying and laughing from the pain and embarrassment of smashing my own fingers in my window. Gregg stopped at the next exit and got me some ice in a baggy. They haven't bruised yet but the tips are still numb. I think there might be some nerve damage.
So we got home and I hoped in the shower while Gregg went and picked up his dad and went to Academy. He wanted to buy some fishing tackle and poles. He got some tackle but didn't find a pole he wanted that didn't cost to much, but he did get me a pretty pole.

While Gregg was gone I got Savvy to paint my toe nails and I painted my fingernails. I think they turned out pretty.

Not long after we got my nails done Kelly and Kimberlyn showed up to get Savvy and they headed off to the chapel. Which left me home alone until Gregg got home. I just chilled and played on the computer. After a while it was time to get dressed and put on makeup and do my hair. I think I looked very pretty.

Yup I wore a dress and heels! Gregg got dressed up too....well as dressed up as he gets.
He usually wears a t-shirt and shorts and sandals or t-shirt jeans and tennis shoes. I think he looks handsome. We arrived at the chapel for my oldest step-daughters wedding and it was beautiful, but freezing inside. So I snuggled up to Gregg to try and keep warm.
I LOVE this man!!
Kelly and the grooms men looked handsome in their tuxes and the girls looked beautiful in their dresses and of course Stacia the flower girl was adorable and Ethan and Carson, the ring bearers were so handsome and cute in their tuxes.

 And then there was Amanda, THE BRIDE. She was so lovely, so beautiful, and so happy. I am so happy for her to have found someone so special so early in her life.

And yes I cried as I watched them make their vows to each other. And I might have regretted just a little that Gregg and I didn't have an actual wedding, but only a little.

OH MY! What a KISS!

Mr and Mrs Whitwell!

Stacia taking Carson and Ethan's arms to walk out
The reception was fun. Everyone was happy and I was able to get pictures of my Savvy and her sister Stacia and their nephews Ethan and Carson and a few others as well as of the Bride and Groom.

Savvy, can you believe she's only 16?

Savvy and her cousin Tabitha

Then they had their first dance together as husband and wife and mother son dance and father daughter dance.
Mr and Mrs Whitwell

Father daughter dance. This made me cry. She danced with her step-dad but I wish she could have danced with her daddy. He would have been so proud of her and who she picked to be her life partner.

Amanda danced with her son Ethan

Now she's dancing with her new son Carson
They then had the toasts and the tossing of the bouquet. She threw three of them. So my Savvy caught one and so did Amanda's new daughter, Kimberlyn and then another young girl, whom I did not know. I told Savvy she was grounded for catching it. LOL But her sister Stacia almost caught 2 of them but they fell out of her hands so Savvy gave her her bridesmaid  bouquet.

After that we all sat around or stood around chatting or dancing and eating and drinking and just making merry.

The bride and the girls that caught the bouquets

It was a wonderful night full of friends and family and merriment. I'm so happy for Amanda and Kelly! I wish them many happy years together. And I welcome Kelly into our family. Love you both!

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