Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 4 and Day 5

Day 4

Today well there wasn't alot to today. I babysat Penny as usual. She was feeling a bit better than the day before. Her rash turned out to be a yeast infection. So she got some cream from the doctor and it was working nicely.
I didn't get in any exercise, shame on me. I got in some cleaning, laundry and kitchen and made a stew. YUM. I was well below my carb goal at only 56g. Nothing of note happened really. It was kind of a boring day for me.

Day 5

Today started out the same. Got up and got dressed and waited on Penny and her mommy to arrive. Penny and I played and had fun together. Then we took a nap together too. After she woke up she was fussy the rest of the day. I think I made her mad when I wouldn't let her play with my phone and other things she kept trying to get at. Her mom showed up and took her home and I spent an hour or so by myself just enjoying some alone time on the computer catching up on emails and things. Then after a while I took a shower and got dressed and headed to Cuppy's so we could go shopping for a pattern for our Halloween costumes. (Lucky for me Cuppy is willing to sew them since I'm not good at it. I'll do what I can but not sure how much help I'll be, especially since my left hand is really starting to hurt when I do much of anything.) So got to Cuppy's and she saw her hunny off to work then we headed to Hancocks to see what they had. We found a few we liked and finally settled on one we both liked and thought could be altered easily to make us both happy with.
This is the one we chose, but we are going to make it a little longer, don't want our crotches to show.So we drove back to her house to see what material they had there. We found a black we liked but we don't want the whole thing in black and couldn't find anything we liked with enough yardage to do the skirt. So we went back to Hancocks to look at material. Mom Green, Cuppy's mom, went with us and helped us pick out some material that would be pretty and move well.  We are going to do the bodice and the tail thingy in black and the skirt/apron part I'm doing in a bright orange with silver skulls on it and Cuppy is using a silvery material that has pink spiders and webs on it. I'm kind of excited about it. But it's weird I'm not the one using pink lol. On the way back to Cuppy's we stopped and got dinner and took it back with us and ate there. We had planned on getting in a walk, but hadn't realized how long it would take us to decide. It was after 9 before I headed home. I did some cleaning but with Penny being so fussy didn't get much done. And I went over on my carbs again. I'm still trying. But when I weighed this morning I weighed about 3 pounds lighter than I did last week. So that's progress! Also no exercise for me this day either, Geez I hope this doesn't become a bad habit.

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