Sunday, September 18, 2011

Starting over

Well it's been a little bit since I've blogged at all. I have been doing some exercising but not like I should and I know I haven't been eating the way I should. I thought about trying to write about everything that I've done in the last couple of weeks to get caught up, but I think I'm going to start over. Start over with my goals and my exercising and my eating. So today is day one. Today I am setting my long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals not just for health and fitness but for my life.

Long-term goals
*Lose 70 pounds by September 18th 2012
*Be a homeowner within 5 years

Mid-term goals
*Lose 35 pounds by March 13th 2012
*Have credit fixed within 3 years

Short-term goals
*Do at least 10 minutes of fitness every day for 90 days
*Don't eat more than 115g of carbohydrates a day
*Say 3 positive things about myself every day
*Spend 15 minutes a day every day cleaning the house for 90 days

So my goals are set. I know what I'm working towards. My rewards for reaching these goals will be a healthier and happier self. Maybe to some these goals are silly, like the cleaning but I'm lazy and tend to leave the cleaning to the kids with the excuse that they have to learn to take care of themselves. I know 15 minutes isn't much, but small steps are the way I'm going with this. I want this to become a way of life, eating better exercising regularly and me taking responsibility for the house. I've learned from past experience if I just jump in and try to to it all I get overwhelmed and give up. So here's to a brighter, healthier, and happier future!

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