Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 6 but Day 1 of c25k

Well today started WAAAAAAAY Early. I had decided the night before that I wanted to start a c25k program (couch to 5k). I want to be able to run/jog a whole 5k. I figure since I'm not much of a runner I need to work my way up to it. And what better way to start than with intervals. So I decided I was going to start it today. I was telling Cuppy about it and she decided to start it with me. So in a way this is Day 6 and Day 1. Anyways, I got up at 4am, I know way to early. I didn't want to get up and I think if I hadn't already committed to meeting Cuppy at the canal then I would have gone back to sleep. I almost did. When my alarm went off I turned it off and laid back down and closed my eyes and ALMOST fell asleep, but I thought no I can't do this. I committed to Cuppy that I'd be there. So I got up and got dressed then made a Protein shake so I'd have something in my tummy. I poured a bottle of water so I'd have some for after and I left the house. Half way there I realized I left the water on the kitchen counter. I think I always forget something. Maybe I need to start making check lists.

We arrived at the canal within minutes of each other, so I didn't have to wait long. It was cool so we wore our jackets and I brought stocking caps I had made and some gloves. I knew Cuppy would forget hers, she usually does until it gets super cold. HEHE LOVE YOU CUPPY! Anywho, we bundled up and then started off. We started with a 5 minute walk to warm up then we jogged for 1 minute then walked for 2 minutes. We repeated the walk jog intervals for about 30 minutes. Cuppy had to skip a couple because she got a pain in her side that seemed pretty bad. So she walked and I'd jog and when the minute was up I'd turn around and walk back and till we met up again. I think she only skipped two. After the 30 minutes we started skipping one jog interval. So we'd jog for 1 minute then walk 5 minutes. Cuppy's side was still hurting and I was starting to wheeze (I have mild asthma). We walked for 1 hour 4 minutes and according to the Nike bean pod we did 4.53 miles.
our map on RunKeeper (I stopped it before I stopped the pod thingy)

I'm pretty proud of what we did this morning. We are going to start meeting every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 5am to wog together. We might meet on other days to walk or do something else together but if not I plan on doing some strength training and walking on the other days even if I have to do it alone. I wish we had taken pictures during our wogging but we were concentrating on breathing. LOL Next time we will have to at least take before and after pix of each other.
After I got home I made me some scrambled eggs with 1/2 c chopped mushrooms and 1/2 chopped yellow pepper. Was yummy. Penny arrived while I was fixing my breakfast. I chatted with her mom for a bit then she headed off to work. While Penny and I stayed home and played. Then Penny took herself a nap and I watched my shows that were on the DVR. I will say that while watching Grey's Anatomy I had a cry fest. I can't help it I'm a big baby.
About 11am Cuppy rode one of her hunny's motorcycles over and hung out with me while he spent time with his dad. While she was at the house Savvy and Carrie came home for lunch. Cuppy noticed a huge spider that was inside one of my curtains!
It was huge and scary and I think it may have been a brown recluse! Well since it was inside the white curtain I didn't want to just smash it. So I grabbed a hold of the curtain and started shaking it trying to make it fall out. It eventually did but then jumped up on the brown curtain. So then I grabbed that curtain and tried to shake it off again. All the while we squealed and laughed and jumped around. LOL I told Savvy to get a show and squish it so she through one of my shoes at it and missed by a mile. Then she got the other shoe and missed again. But the second time the spider fell on the floor by my feet. So I jumped back and told Savvy to step on it. She had shoes on I was barefoot. She threw my shoe on it then stepped on my shoe and jumped up and down.
This is what the spider looked like. I didn't take this picture but I found it online and Savvy agrees with me.
After it was dead I got some tissue to pick it up and could feel the crunchy body through it and it grossed me out so got more tissue. LOL Silly I know but that's me. So we got rid of the body and all was well. HAHA
Then the girls went back to school and Cuppy got into her bike gear and headed back to her hunny's parent's house and Penny and I hung out till her momma got here. Then Penny's mommy showed up and we chatted for a while and watched a new broadcast about the Fire Chief's wife being arrested for his murder. (SHOCKING) After Penny and her mommy left I did some squats and wall push ups (wall push ups are hard when you can't put pressure on the palm of your left hand) then headed to the library to pick up Savvy and Carrie and their friend Jordon and took Jordon home.
Then went home and had some quiet time in my room while Savvy and Carrie watched cartoons until her dad got here. For dinner Savvy and I made ourselves some salads.
Here is mine. It is spinach, iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, tomato, hard boiled eggs, black beans, baby carrots, sunflower seeds, and sun dried tomatoes. It was super yummy!
After dinner I talked Savvy into going with me to take Lexi for a walk, because sometimes she gets excited and it takes both hands to hold on to her and since I'm having problems with my left hand I wasn't certain it was a good idea to walk her alone. So Savvy went with me to Earlywine park again. She brought the Ipod this time so we didn't do alot of talking but it was still nice being together and doing something healthy.
She was ready and eager to go

Getting some bottled water out of the mini van. Lexi jumped in thought we were going in it. LOL

In the car now and excited!

She didn't want her pic taken
She really wasn't mad just making faces

My beautiful Savvy

Savvy and Lexi. I really like this pic
We ended up walking about 2-3 miles it depends on which app you believe. RunKeeper or the Nike bean.


Nike bean pod
But the difference could be from me weaving in and out of the trees. I've discovered if you do small loops and stuff like that that RunKeeper doesn't always pick it all up as a loop it will put it as you standing still for a few seconds. Where as the Nike bean pod is a pedometer on my shoe and it catches most if not all the steps I take. Either way I like having them both.
After our walk. My forehead looks funny. I think it's the tan line I have from wearing my sweaty bands.

I think she was tired and her glasses had slipped down.

She was worn out.
So as for my goals. I got WAY more than my 10 minutes of fitness in today. I did some laundry and picked up some more. And my carbs for the day were 74g!!! So below my max goal of 115g. I think to day was a fabulous day. I got to see my Cuppy twice! I got to play with Penny most of the morning and part of the afternoon. I got to go for 2 walks, one with Cuppy (well that was a wog) and one with my lovely daughter Savvy and our furbaby Lexi. I am extremely tired but extremely happy and proud of myself for today. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. HEHE

Day 4 and Day 5

Day 4

Today well there wasn't alot to today. I babysat Penny as usual. She was feeling a bit better than the day before. Her rash turned out to be a yeast infection. So she got some cream from the doctor and it was working nicely.
I didn't get in any exercise, shame on me. I got in some cleaning, laundry and kitchen and made a stew. YUM. I was well below my carb goal at only 56g. Nothing of note happened really. It was kind of a boring day for me.

Day 5

Today started out the same. Got up and got dressed and waited on Penny and her mommy to arrive. Penny and I played and had fun together. Then we took a nap together too. After she woke up she was fussy the rest of the day. I think I made her mad when I wouldn't let her play with my phone and other things she kept trying to get at. Her mom showed up and took her home and I spent an hour or so by myself just enjoying some alone time on the computer catching up on emails and things. Then after a while I took a shower and got dressed and headed to Cuppy's so we could go shopping for a pattern for our Halloween costumes. (Lucky for me Cuppy is willing to sew them since I'm not good at it. I'll do what I can but not sure how much help I'll be, especially since my left hand is really starting to hurt when I do much of anything.) So got to Cuppy's and she saw her hunny off to work then we headed to Hancocks to see what they had. We found a few we liked and finally settled on one we both liked and thought could be altered easily to make us both happy with.
This is the one we chose, but we are going to make it a little longer, don't want our crotches to show.So we drove back to her house to see what material they had there. We found a black we liked but we don't want the whole thing in black and couldn't find anything we liked with enough yardage to do the skirt. So we went back to Hancocks to look at material. Mom Green, Cuppy's mom, went with us and helped us pick out some material that would be pretty and move well.  We are going to do the bodice and the tail thingy in black and the skirt/apron part I'm doing in a bright orange with silver skulls on it and Cuppy is using a silvery material that has pink spiders and webs on it. I'm kind of excited about it. But it's weird I'm not the one using pink lol. On the way back to Cuppy's we stopped and got dinner and took it back with us and ate there. We had planned on getting in a walk, but hadn't realized how long it would take us to decide. It was after 9 before I headed home. I did some cleaning but with Penny being so fussy didn't get much done. And I went over on my carbs again. I'm still trying. But when I weighed this morning I weighed about 3 pounds lighter than I did last week. So that's progress! Also no exercise for me this day either, Geez I hope this doesn't become a bad habit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3

Today started off like normal, got up about 630 and got dressed and waited for Penny and her mom to arrive. We played for a bit.
She didn't like the sweatband

She was getting mad
Then I put her in the pack and play to play and fixed myself some breakfast.
After a breakfast of scrambled eggs with bell peppers spinach onions and cheese. I took a short nap while Penny continued to play. I woke to her screaming and found she had a dirty diaper and when I was cleaning her up she started screaming even louder. As I cleaned her bottom I realized just how red and sore she looked. I couldn't find any so I diapered her up and cuddled her until she calmed down.

She fell asleep in my arms and slept for about 30 minutes before waking up. She's so very cute! After she woke up I put her in her pack n play to play and I got on the computer to work on my blog and other things. I had put on the headphones to listen to a video that TYA had posted on FB. When I took them off they snapped!
They are Gregg's and I feel horrible about it. I'll have to try and find him some new ones, but I think those were kind of expensive. Penny's momma came and to see her on her lunch break and decided to take the rest of the day off to take care of her baby. I don't blame her at all. The poor thing screamed when she peed and screamed when you cleaned her up. She was bright red and starting to look puffy in her lady parts. My poor Penny :(
Penny went home and Savvy and I spent the afternoon just hanging out doing our own things. I made me some lunch. And it was tasty.
I sauted me some onions and zucchini and yellow squash and added some sun dried tomatoes then cut up some turkey bacon and cooked it up with it and topped it off with some cheese. YUUUMY.
Savvy and I went to the store and bought some veg and meats that I can eat. I think I got enough to last the week for both of us. After we got home and Savvy put the groceries away, she always does it for me she's such a wonderful daughter, I cooked dinner for us.
I cooked us up some turkey breast and made us a salad and salad dressing and topped the salad with some string cheese. Was delish!
After dinner Savvy and I decided to take Lexi for a walk at Earlywine Park since it is well lit and usually a busy park and it was already getting dark. We walked 1.6 miles in 30 minutes. It was a very pleasant walk. It was cool but not to cool and I got to spend time with my daughter.

Goals for the day
*at least 10 min of fitness - I got 30 minutes in!
*at least 15 min of housework - I got some laundry going and picked up here and there plus cooked myself 3 meals and one for my daughter. Not quite my goal but I'm still a work in progress
*limit carbs to 115g - I managed to keep them around 100! so yay for me!

All in all not a bad day for my goals but a really bad day for Poor Penny

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 2

Well I woke up at 3am thinking it was 630. I got up and got dressed then went to the bathroom. I walked through the kitchen so I passed the stove clock but didn't really notice it. While in the bathroom it hit me that the clock didn't look right for 630. So I went back to check and sure enough it was 310am. UGH! So I went back to bed. LOL Woke up again at 625, like I always do during the week, and got ready for Penny to arrive. Chatted with her mom for a bit then I got all of Penny's things loaded into the van and Penny in her carseat, then Penny, Lexi, and I headed to Earlywine park to meet Cuppy and Sparkle for a morning walk.

Cuppy and the dogs took off while I got Penny situated in her stroller. Sparkle and Lexi were eager to get moving. They LOVE walking together and seem to encourage each other with kisses when one starts getting tired and slowing down. It's so cute.
Penny and I jogged a bit and caught up with them. And then we all walked and chatted and giggled and had a great time together.
Cuppy and I took turns walking the dogs and pushing the stroller. I pushed the stroller, she walked the dogs for the first lap then we switched. Penny was happy through the first lap and half of the second. Then she started getting fussy. So I took the stroller and dogs while Cuppy carried Penny for a bit. Carrying her and pushing the stroller is not an easy feat. Well of course Penny got heavy after a while so she was put back in the stroller. And was happy for a few minutes. So then Cuppy took the dogs and I carried Penny for a while. But again she got heavy and put her back in the stroller and she screamed the rest of the walk. Wouldn't take a bottle nothing. She just wanted held.
I know the track around the park is supposed to be 1.5 miles so based on that and where we parked we should have walked just over 3 miles. I used my runkeeper as always, but also used my Nike bean thing. There was a huge difference in the distance that they both said we did.

Nike+ bean
Well either way we walked at least 3 miles and got in over an hour of fitness. So I sure surpassed my goal of 10 minutes of fitness this day. Now as to the other goals for the day. I didn't get in any actual housework unless you count picking up things here and there and fixing lunch for the girls and dinner for myself, but I did get some errands ran that needed done plus I had Penny all day, but Savvy did help with her once she got home from school. I went over on my carb goal AGAIN!  The goal is 115g and I ended at at least 169g. UGH. I have to get a handle on this. But it is only day two. I'm sure I'll get better at it. I need to make a list of low carb foods that I like and go shopping. We have to many carbs in the house. I think we have 3-4 bags of unopened corn chips in the pantry not to mention all the pasta, but it is whole grain pasta. My dinner wasn't to bad though. It was eggs with onions, spinach, sweet peppers, and cheese. It was tasty too.

Ok so I'm going to do better tomorrow. Every day is a fresh start!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 1

Today is the day I start over. I reached my goals today for my fitness and housework. I actually did more than what I had set out to do. And I did go over my carb goal for the day but still not to bad.

I spent 30 minutes folding and putting away laundry, I got through 4 laundry baskets. You'd think that would mean the laundry was done, but nope there is more to wash and dry as well. I also did the dishes too. That took about 10-15 minutes.

Then I had dinner. Which consisted of a spinach salad with sweet peppers, strawberries, sun-dried tomatoes, and sliced turkey. After I ate the salad I realized I was still hungry and had only eaten 745 calories or so. So I grilled some chicken breast and ate that too. My total carbs for the day was 129g. (give or take a couple). Not bad. That's about half of what I usually eat.

After dinner I played on the Wii for about 30 minutes. So I hit my goal of at least 10 minutes and then some. I find the Wii games I have fun, even though they are meant for exercise, so I end up doing more than I plan. Not complaining though. So not a super active day, but I hit my goals for fitness and housework time, but went over on my carbs. I wonder if 115g is to little. I don't know, I guess I'll stick with it like this for a while and see how things go.

Starting over

Well it's been a little bit since I've blogged at all. I have been doing some exercising but not like I should and I know I haven't been eating the way I should. I thought about trying to write about everything that I've done in the last couple of weeks to get caught up, but I think I'm going to start over. Start over with my goals and my exercising and my eating. So today is day one. Today I am setting my long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals not just for health and fitness but for my life.

Long-term goals
*Lose 70 pounds by September 18th 2012
*Be a homeowner within 5 years

Mid-term goals
*Lose 35 pounds by March 13th 2012
*Have credit fixed within 3 years

Short-term goals
*Do at least 10 minutes of fitness every day for 90 days
*Don't eat more than 115g of carbohydrates a day
*Say 3 positive things about myself every day
*Spend 15 minutes a day every day cleaning the house for 90 days

So my goals are set. I know what I'm working towards. My rewards for reaching these goals will be a healthier and happier self. Maybe to some these goals are silly, like the cleaning but I'm lazy and tend to leave the cleaning to the kids with the excuse that they have to learn to take care of themselves. I know 15 minutes isn't much, but small steps are the way I'm going with this. I want this to become a way of life, eating better exercising regularly and me taking responsibility for the house. I've learned from past experience if I just jump in and try to to it all I get overwhelmed and give up. So here's to a brighter, healthier, and happier future!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 6: Saucy Saturday

Woke up about 8ish again. I had planned on going for another walk but changed my mind. My shins and ankles were hurting me plus We needed to make sure we got home early enough to get ready for the evening activities. So we packed everything up and into the van and headed home. We had a mostly uneventful drive, that is until I was munching on some trail mix and dropped some on the floor. I decided to throw it out the window and rolled it down a little. I stuck my fingers out the window but then realized it wasn't open enough so I went to roll it down some more. Well I always get the up and down mixed up on the windows in the van and instead of rolling it down I hit up and smashed my fingers. And then I went to roll it down again and rolled it up AGAIN! OMG did it hurt. I was crying and laughing from the pain and embarrassment of smashing my own fingers in my window. Gregg stopped at the next exit and got me some ice in a baggy. They haven't bruised yet but the tips are still numb. I think there might be some nerve damage.
So we got home and I hoped in the shower while Gregg went and picked up his dad and went to Academy. He wanted to buy some fishing tackle and poles. He got some tackle but didn't find a pole he wanted that didn't cost to much, but he did get me a pretty pole.

While Gregg was gone I got Savvy to paint my toe nails and I painted my fingernails. I think they turned out pretty.

Not long after we got my nails done Kelly and Kimberlyn showed up to get Savvy and they headed off to the chapel. Which left me home alone until Gregg got home. I just chilled and played on the computer. After a while it was time to get dressed and put on makeup and do my hair. I think I looked very pretty.

Yup I wore a dress and heels! Gregg got dressed up too....well as dressed up as he gets.
He usually wears a t-shirt and shorts and sandals or t-shirt jeans and tennis shoes. I think he looks handsome. We arrived at the chapel for my oldest step-daughters wedding and it was beautiful, but freezing inside. So I snuggled up to Gregg to try and keep warm.
I LOVE this man!!
Kelly and the grooms men looked handsome in their tuxes and the girls looked beautiful in their dresses and of course Stacia the flower girl was adorable and Ethan and Carson, the ring bearers were so handsome and cute in their tuxes.

 And then there was Amanda, THE BRIDE. She was so lovely, so beautiful, and so happy. I am so happy for her to have found someone so special so early in her life.

And yes I cried as I watched them make their vows to each other. And I might have regretted just a little that Gregg and I didn't have an actual wedding, but only a little.

OH MY! What a KISS!

Mr and Mrs Whitwell!

Stacia taking Carson and Ethan's arms to walk out
The reception was fun. Everyone was happy and I was able to get pictures of my Savvy and her sister Stacia and their nephews Ethan and Carson and a few others as well as of the Bride and Groom.

Savvy, can you believe she's only 16?

Savvy and her cousin Tabitha

Then they had their first dance together as husband and wife and mother son dance and father daughter dance.
Mr and Mrs Whitwell

Father daughter dance. This made me cry. She danced with her step-dad but I wish she could have danced with her daddy. He would have been so proud of her and who she picked to be her life partner.

Amanda danced with her son Ethan

Now she's dancing with her new son Carson
They then had the toasts and the tossing of the bouquet. She threw three of them. So my Savvy caught one and so did Amanda's new daughter, Kimberlyn and then another young girl, whom I did not know. I told Savvy she was grounded for catching it. LOL But her sister Stacia almost caught 2 of them but they fell out of her hands so Savvy gave her her bridesmaid  bouquet.

After that we all sat around or stood around chatting or dancing and eating and drinking and just making merry.

The bride and the girls that caught the bouquets

It was a wonderful night full of friends and family and merriment. I'm so happy for Amanda and Kelly! I wish them many happy years together. And I welcome Kelly into our family. Love you both!