Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 8 c25k Week 1 day 2

So Cuppy and I had planned on getting up super early this day and meeting and wogging together, but she wasn't feeling well. So We slept in and wogged alone. I had a hard time making myself leave the house, but I eventually talked myself into going because I had made this commitment to myself. So around 10ish I headed to a local park, Veterans Memorial park, here in Moore. It was a pretty morning, but starting to get warm.
There were quite a few people out and it was kinda weird since Cuppy and I are usually out so early there's not many people or we are at the canal super early and there is no one but us there. But it was nice to not be there alone.  I wogged for an hour and 5 minutes plus a 5 minute warm up walk and 5 minute cool down walk. I even stretched before and after ( I think the stretching is a big deal because I don't usually do it. Cuppy and Gregg are always getting on me about it.) I did over 5 miles but again the RunKeeper and the Nike bean pod had different distances. I am starting to think it's because the pod is a pedometer and I take small steps so it counts more steps. I'm not sure yet though. But it is kind of frustrating to have them so far off from each other.

Cuppy thinks the Nike pod is more accurate but I don't know. Either way I think I had a really good pace going for someone that doesn't run. I am proud of myself for doing this.

I went to Cuppy's later in the day and as I turned onto her street she was walking onto it. She had gone for her own wog a bit later in the day. I'm proud she went since she still wasn't feeling well.
she sweats weird lol

I was at Cuppy's so we could work on our Halloween costumes. We got the pattern pieces cut out from each other and that's about it. We did alot of talking, but I think she was needing to talk, she has ALOT going on right now, but that's her story. I took some pix of our fabric but the lighting doesn't really show the colors right.
This is mine but it's not this dark it's a lighter brighter orange with the silver skulls on it

This is Cuppy's but the spider webs and spiders are actually pink not purple

This is Cuppy's but the spider webs and spiders are actually pink not purple
It's funny that she is the one that will be wearing the pink and me the orange. Pink is my favorite color, well one of them, but I love love love bright colors. So I picked the orange. I can't wait for our costumes to be done!
Another wonderful day. I wogged like I had planned and commited to myself and I got to see my CuppyCake

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