Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 10 week 1 day 3 c25k

So I never did go to sleep. But I decided that I had to still go wog because I would have Penny all day and if I didn't get it done in the morning it might not get done. So I got up and texted Cuppy to see how she was doing. She wasn't feeling well again so instead of meeting her I went to Earlywine by myself. I will say that it was a nice cool morning but it was spooky as heck there. There was only 2 other people on the track at 445am, two older men. So I started out my walking warm up heading in the opposite direction from what they were going so that I could pass them and not feel so alone. LOL silly I know but I've never done this this early alone before.

I took a couple pix at the start but it was super dark and the flash would blind me so I didn't want to use it. You can kinda see me. LOL
I found that I was struggling with this wog. At first I thought it was because I was doing it alone, but I did Sunday's alone and didnt struggle as much. But it's probably because I did not sleep at all the night before and I was running on fumes, kind of literally. It was pretty out though. Could see some starts and it was quiet and didn't have to worry about alot of people, but running past some of the trees was scary. I had my pepper spray ready the whole time just in case. LOL

These aren't very flattering pix but this was after about 30 minutes of wogging. I was getting tired and seriously struggling to keep going. But Keep going I did. I had to finish at least an hour. I just had to!
 And I did!

But of course they showed different distances. But I Went farther and I think even though I felt like I was struggling that my pace was better this time than last time. I'm super proud of myself.
On the drive home though I was a bit worried. I felt like I was drunk. I know it was just lack of sleep but sometimes driving tired is worse than driving drunk. But I took my time and didn't hurry and prayed that nothing happened on my way home and I got home safely. I sat and chilled till Penny and her mom got there. Penny played happily in her pack n play and I fell asleep, Bad babysitter I know. But when I awoke a hour or so later Penny was passed out in her pack n play and the bottle she had was almost empty. So I went back to sleep for another 30 min or so. When she woke I got up and we played and hung out until Savvy got home from school and then she helped me with Penny since I was fighting to stay awake. When Jess got there I had fallen asleep. I felt bad because I was supposed to be the one watching Penny but Jess seemed ok with it. Thank you Savvy for helping me out! Love you!
After Penny and her mommy left I went to bed. That was bout 630-7. I started a movie but I don't think I made it much past the opening credits. LOL So I got my wog in but not much else. I don't think I even ate much that day. I know I had a coffee. But I can't remember if I ate. LOL

Not my best day but not my worst. At least I still got my wogging in.

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